God being our helper, we promise to give our will our mind, our heart, our time and our resources in Christian service to God and to others.
To maintain the spirit of prayer and devotion in our daily life, to read and study God’s word, to keep ourselves informed about the people of the world and their needs.
To hold to the unchanging hand of God in carrying out the great commission to win di
To extend the Gospel of Jesus Christ
To promote spiritual and personal growth
To build friendships and interdependence with one another
Widen our horizon and vision
Encourage stewardship
Support the united ministries of the Church of God through leadership and finance.
The WCG of North Shore is a multi-faceted Ministry designed to strengthen, encourage, enlighten spiritually, entertain socially, and challenge women to use their talents to serve the Lord. In order to meet these challenges, the women’s ministry encompasses the following areas:
Ministries Spiritual Life:- This area of ministry is to encourage and stimulate the women by providing bible study/devotion at the monthly meetings. Facilitate and plan special prayer meetings, retreats etc.
Sanctuary:- The chairperson and her committee assist and plan all services held in the sanctuary, i.e. Talents unto God, Annual Weekends and Heritage Celebrations.
Service to the Community:- This committee provides us an opportunity to service the people of our island.
- Feeding the homeless
- Ministering to the sick and shut-in
- Visiting the various institutions and providing spiritual encouragement through the Word and worship.
Stewardship:- This committee assists in raising funds for various projects within our church i.e. for the beautification of the sanctuary, purchase items for inmates, purchase flowers for the sick and shut in and food if possible - whenever needed.
Social:- The social committee serves to create a pleasant atmosphere through food, fun and fellowship for Women of the Church of God events, special meetings, celebrations and occasions.
Scribe:- This committee compiles minutes of the various activities of the Women of the Church of God and their contributions to services; community and the needy.
SOS:- This group of women makes visits to those who are incarcerated, to provide spiritual up lifting and encouragement through various avenues i.e. plays, personal visits etc. We also provide funds for the personal needs of the women and men.
Elder Ruth Ann Lambe, President